Dr. Danie Bosman -Dentist
Dr Danie Bosman has always had a keen interest in the development of dentistry in South Africa. He encourages high standards of patient care and enthusiastically promotes excellence in aesthetic dentistry through continued education and development. With the incredible developments in all fields of dentistry, we strive to provide you with excellent, cost effective, modern dental care in a friendly and professional environment. Thanks to our computerised technology, dentistry is something to become excited about and promotes health instead of fear. The possibilities for enhancing your smile and the health of your teeth are endless. Dentures, ugly amalgam restorations and stained teeth are a thing of the past in this age of advanced dentistry. Although we specialise in Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentristry, we offer you and your family dental care with the highest standard of service, where your individual needs and comfort come first.
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